Our Services

Buyer’s Inspection

Our Buyer’s Inspection starts as low as $495 and abides by the ASHI Standard of Practice. We perform this inspection on residential or light commercial properties to ensure that buyers know exactly what they are getting when they purchase the property. We thoroughly inspect every possible area of the home we can fit into and access safely, including:

  • Exterior
  • Basement
  • Attic
  • Crawlspace
  • Structure
  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Heating
  • Air conditioning
  • Roof
  • Kitchen
  • Bathroom
House with Spanish Roof
Home with For Sale Sign

Seller’s Inspection

It is beneficial to have a home inspected before listing it for sale. A Pre-Listing Inspection helps home sellers find the issues in the home that could potentially turn buyers away. We will search the home for these issues, giving the seller time to address them and prepare the home to be seen by potential buyers.

Inspecting Water Heater


Re-Inspections can put a buyer’s mind at ease and keep all interested parties on the same page as they move closer to closing a deal. After we have completed your initial Buyer’s Inspection, the seller and realtor will address the issues in your CRL™ (Create Request List™). We can re-inspect the home after the repairs are made, ensuring that everything you requested was addressed properly.

New Luxury House

New Construction Inspection

All constructional oversights and defects should be found and remedied before a new home’s final walk-through. We can offer a fresh perspective in the home and thoroughly search for issues that often go unnoticed.

Additional Inspection Services

Radon on Chart

Radon Testing

Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally from the breakdown of uranium in soil. This type of gas is common in Westchester County, and if it finds its way into the home, it can put everyone living there at risk. Radon is linked to serious health conditions such as lung cancer, but it is odorless, invisible, and tasteless, so professional testing is required to ensure that a home and its inhabitants are not being exposed.

Termite Damage

WDI/Termite Inspection

We recommend that all home buyers add on the WDI/Termite Inspection with their Buyer’s Inspection. Termites and other wood-destroying insects can cause major structural damage to a home by tunneling through the wood and destroying supportive areas. This issue is especially prevalent on Long Island, where moisture commonly finds its way into the home and attracts termites. Avoid the headache and expensive damage by scheduling your Termite Inspection today.

Contact J&R Quality Home Inspections anytime to schedule inspection services in Long Island, Queens, the Bronx, and Westchester County.

Contact us for more information about our discounts for active military and veterans.



Licensed Home Inspector: #16000010359